Thursday, June 19, 2014

Another one bites the dust ....

I am writing this account here since I am not allowed to permitted to defend myself in real life ... so I can only defend myself in my private blog.

Out of 17 people we have had living with us as an au pair, only 2 till now had not lasted the distance .... one we had to ask to leave and the second arrived and didn't even start!  Now another is leaving ... by choice.  Apparently I am a terrible, rude person!   The situation arose because I was asked to fix the office vacuum cleaner.   Now there's a story here because I am continually asked to fix the vacuum cleaner by many people .... and in 99.9% of the cases  .... one was actually an electrical fault ... in 99.9% of the cases, the problem is that the bag has not been emptied!  So of course, it won't work.  Duh!

So this time I asked .... "Have you emptied the bag?" ..... response ....   "I don't know how."

Now this machine is one that is grey plastic .... and it has a BIG orange button on top.  So I think I was fairly justified in explaining my annoyance ....  that if the cleaner won't work then try to work out why not!  .... and to suggest that she try to empty it first.  The machine is pretty simple and a quick look will suggest what button to try pushing.

Apparently in expressing my frustration with all the past people .... I have been seen as a rude man.  Sheesh!