Saturday, September 12, 2015

Imitation apology

I'm saddened by the way society seems to accept pseudo-apologies .... eg Dutton's apology yesterday .... he has not apologised for what he said .... he's just sorry that he was caught!  .... or sorry that other people were upset.

Monday, September 7, 2015


I often have to say something .... and Naomi says "Oh no! Not that one again ..."

So I thought to myself .... "I'll create a blog where I can say what I like"

If you don't like what I say .... don't read it!

Sunday, September 6, 2015


When reading of the unfolding refugee tragedy in Europe, its heartening to read of the welcome being shown by people ..... doors and homes opening to people in need.  Our friends in Europe write of their pride at how their country is reacting and pride about what is being done for the refugees.

..... and then I contrast this with the spiteful, miserly actions of the current Australian government .... and once again I am ashamed to call myself Australian.  In the same way I felt shame at the lies and deceit toward Indonesia in recent times.

When will we have Australian leadership that inspires pride in our nation.