Friday, June 24, 2011

Youth in Asia

Why is it that I am not allowed to decide what happens to my body?  Does my body belong to the government?  Or perhaps there is some conspiracy and my body belongs to a shadowy community organisation!

Why do the "Right to Life" proponents insist that they can make a decision about what happens to me?  The absolute gall of those people!  I don't tell them what to believe ... why do they insist that I must believe as they do!

Why do the pollies think that their personal opinion on these matters is more important than the opinions of the people who elected them!  Shame on them!  They are elected to represent the people ... not to force their own personal belief structure on the electorate.

In a few years time I will be unable to enjoy life because my body has physically deteriorated ... I want to right and power to end my life when I choose.  I don't want to have to persuade other people that what I decide is really a good idea for me .....   it's MY decision ... not theirs.

When my pet dog is in pain and unable to cope with life, we end his life peacefully  ..... why can't I have the same choice?

This is worse than  "a dog's life"!

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