Friday, November 4, 2011

Two sides of a coin

Life is really like that .... two sides to every situation .... inseparably one.

Almost everything around me contributes to my life-long depression .... yet the same things are my crutches that enable me to cope with the depression.

Being a parent .... so depressing .... imprisoning ....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Inexorable Decline

Growing Old Is A Bugga

Every few weeks you notice some small change .... something that hurts a little more than it used to.... something new that hurts ....

Getting dressed is a little harder .... I notice that if I need to get something off the floor .... I now look round for some tool to scoop it up rather than bending over.

The slow decline happens insidiously ... I just realize "Oh ... I can't do that anymore!"

My left hip hurts .... as this slowly deteriorates I ponder whether I really want to go through the pain and difficulty of a hip operation? In the future will the hip be the crucial factor that "tips the scales"?

I am quite sure that there will come a point when I decide that "I've had enough ... I want to go now."

I hope that this time will be reached after our society has accepted that people really do want to control their own existence.

The thought of attending a clinic ... of being able to simply press a button and go to sleep .... This would be so much better than having to escape with car and hose .... Or the mess and indignity of a noose .... Or the uncertainty and pain of drug overdose.

Maybe a trip to Europe ....

Monday, September 26, 2011

#384 Tuesday 27 September

The countdown to Bali continues! Kaylia is right into it .... she listens to our conversation all the time .... and when a word occurs (that fits her desires) she latches onto it ..... and we hear a voice! "pool" .... "plane" .... "villa" .... etc

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


This the morning after Lorna's funeral ....
It was a deeply significant day with many strong memories.... strong emotions .... powerful thoughts .

Shared passion is important and not easily forgotten .... tears are a strong passion and when we share tears with another, I think we create a bond that will link us more strongly than many other passions.

Love ..... Hate .... Sex ..... Faith ....

They all bind us when shared.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Reality of Faith

At present we have a family member who is an adherent to one of the oldest varieties of the body of believers in the Christ. I use this description because all of the varieties call themselves "a Christian church" yet few exist in a form that the founder would agree with (IMHO).

The church structures have evolved and been shaped by three driving factors ....
Firstly a genuine desire to serve the Christ.
Second ... a need to set up a church "structure" that the followers can recognize and be comfortable with ... driven by the socio-historical needs of the followers themselves. In other words, regardless of what Jesus wanted and said, the structure needed to be something that satisfied the emotional needs of the people .... or they would not follow!

Third .... the corrupting influence of the human need to accumulate "power".

Jesus did not want or envisage a church with a formal power structure .... he talked of a one to one direct relationship between himself and any person who believed. His actions showed that he rejected the formal church structure that existed at the time.

Yet humans have taken his concepts of the relationship that is possible with him .... and fitted them into a structure that is essentially the same as the structure he rejected! Each of the formal church bodies has a structure that gives individuals an ability to gather power .... authority over other believers. .... and the chance to abuse that authority! And they have done so! And they still do so!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Work stress

Over the past twenty years I've worked in about 10 businesses .... In most they were a "basket case" when I started and it takes about 3 months of damage control (to survive) before I can begin to put good systems in place. Usually I feel happy with the results by about 6 to 9 months.

Our own business is causing me as much stress as the worst of the previous jobs! This is largely due to the complexity of the business I've set up ... it's too much!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Climate change

The current tour of the "mad Monkton" is thought provoking. I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle ground.

I think that the current climatic changes are probably consistent with the changes which have occurred in a cyclic manner over time. This time round we have a change in the variables ... Man.

The methods proposed (to mitigate the effect of man's follies on the planet) are unlikely to produce enough change to be useful .... for the simple reason that the cost of the changes has to be acceptable! In a democracy, if the cost of the change is not 'acceptable' ... or palatable to the masses.... then the government will change. So real change is unlikely.

The logic of the current carbon tax method is very obscure .... how is change going to happen when the polluters are shielded from the effect of the tax? If the consumer is compensated for the rising prices, the buying habits will not change. If the buying habits don't change, the production of goods will not change ... and hence there will be no change in carbon pollution!

The hard truth is that we will never know the truth. Society has no system for accurate, independent verification of truth!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Elephants in the room

Lazy media! There are a few topics which are crucial to the future of our species .... and no-one talks about them!!!!

I'm thinking of world population levels.

According to some heavy-weight sources, the numbers already exceed the level which the planet can sustain ....

Where is the media comment and discussion? What can be done about this? Why are we madly pursuing health improvements etc which will only make this problem worse?!?!

Madness! Elephants in the room!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Youth in Asia

Why is it that I am not allowed to decide what happens to my body?  Does my body belong to the government?  Or perhaps there is some conspiracy and my body belongs to a shadowy community organisation!

Why do the "Right to Life" proponents insist that they can make a decision about what happens to me?  The absolute gall of those people!  I don't tell them what to believe ... why do they insist that I must believe as they do!

Why do the pollies think that their personal opinion on these matters is more important than the opinions of the people who elected them!  Shame on them!  They are elected to represent the people ... not to force their own personal belief structure on the electorate.

In a few years time I will be unable to enjoy life because my body has physically deteriorated ... I want to right and power to end my life when I choose.  I don't want to have to persuade other people that what I decide is really a good idea for me .....   it's MY decision ... not theirs.

When my pet dog is in pain and unable to cope with life, we end his life peacefully  ..... why can't I have the same choice?

This is worse than  "a dog's life"!

Political parties

Why do we have political parties?  When you think about it, it serves no purpose at all to have opposing parties .... it just makes the political process resemble a football match!

Why must one side win and the other lose?  Why does the Opposition have to oppose?  This implies that the governing party never makes a good decision!  Why can't the politicians recognise a good idea and work together?

We elect a person ... not a party.  Why not do away with parties and have all the elected people choose a small group to manage the departments .... but all elected people vote equally on all issues.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Democracy contains within itself the seeds of it's own downfall.

When decisions are made by elected politicians the decisions are rarely the best result for the earth, the environment or the people. There are too many conflicting imperatives ... the greatest being the pollies own need to be re-elected! An unpopular decision is rarely made ... yet the unpopular decision is sometimes the best one.